Postural analysis

Several sensors come into play to regulate our posture. The tissue tensions that our body will undergo in response to our way of life (sports practice, carrying a load, work, etc.) will determine our position in space. If one or more postural sensors is dysfunctional, our posture will be impacted.

Why have good posture? Because better synergy between the systems, better coordination and better distribution of the body load.

Good joint and tissue mobility is a guarantee of good posture without forgetting a harmony of antagonistic muscle tone. One could cite the lower and upper crossed syndromes which are due to muscle over-tonicity on one side and under-tonicity on the other.

A postural deficit could be expressed in terms of functional lesions ie pain in the back, hip, shoulder, etc. which appear spontaneously and progressively.

In posturology, we will have a holistic approach, in order to regulate and allow optimal functioning of the postural sensors.

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